GCH Libertybelle's Ready or Not RN BCAT THDN CGC

Born: 8/24/2019
- OFA HIPS: GR-134755G24M-VPI
- Embark Genetic Testing: All Clear/Normal
Ready's official pedigree
Ready Ad 2024

Amy and Ready winning Select Dog over Specials

CH Libertybelle's Ready or Not BCAT "Ready" is a balanced, athletic, sound dog with a kind expression and an eager to please personality. He has a solid topline, correct-purposeful movement and is clean front and rear. He has enough drive to be competitive in conformation, field, agility and obedience but is able to turn it off around the house making him easy to live with. Ready is ICH 1 & 2 Clear. Hips are OFA good. He has a naturally straight, blonde coat and dark black pigment that endures throughout the year. He is currently training for his field, rally and obedience titles. He was breeder & owner handled to his championship and finished with 3 majors. He is a certified therapy dog and is finishing his title. He is proven and available to approved bitches. For more information, PM me or email me at charmcitygoldens@gmail.com
Jen and Ready winning WD/BOW

Ready at the 2023 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Ready's beautiful head study in 2021

Ready Moving

Amy showing Ready

Therapy Dog

Read Head Shot

Ready Fast CAT

Another Fast CAT

Select Dog Win

Amy and Ready winning WD