The golden retrievers below will always have a special place in my heart. They were there for me at the beginning of this journey with their patience, love, and silly antics. I wouldn't be where I am today, if I didn't learn from them in the beginning.
Kelly’s Ellendale Lady Sally
Ginger was my first golden retriever. Ginger was a rescue. I answered an add in the newspaper selling golden retriever puppies. They woman on the phone said all the puppies were spoken for, they were keeping a boy and they were going to have the mother euthanized. I told her please do not do anything with the mama dog, we would be right over. At 14 years old, I begged my mother to take me to get this dog. I had always wanted a golden. When we arrived, she was very skittish and vomited all over me several times on the ride home. She was afraid of people and would cower and urinate every time she was approached. We saw another ad in the newspaper inviting people to the restart of the Gunpowder River Golden Retriever Club of Maryland. This is how I met Ginny and Jennifer Boyle. Ginny worked with me for months to get Ginger socialized and able to show in Junior Showmanship. Ginger was a challenge, but I am forever thankful for her as she taught me so much.
Charms Anchors Away Alexander
Alex was my first purchased show dog. He was an active and fun-loving dog that gave me a run for my money in the junior showmanship ring. Alex was a complete opposite of my first Golden Ginger. Conformationally, Alex never became a champion but he taught me so much.
UKC CH BIS Charms Furs a Fly’N, CGC, Certified Therapy Dog
Hunter was pointed in the AKC show ring. As I was learning to handle my own dogs, Hunter and I played in the UKC shows where he was a multiple best in show winner. Hunter loved to do therapy work with me at a local nursing home. Hunter lived happily until 14 years old.
Charms Rock N’Roll Jazz NA, NAJ, NJP, NAP, Certified Therapy Dog
When agility was new, Jazz and I were early adopters. She was pointed in the conformation ring but she enjoyed performance and therapy work. She was a very fast dog and gave the border collies some tough competition. She was a super smart dog and was always a step ahead of you. Jazz lived until almost 16 years old.